If this kind of info can help people find each other at Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and elsewhere, maybe it will have helped you find me through a search engine or who knows what. I hope you’ll explore the site to see what I have to offer — perhaps there’s a connection in store for us!
Jump to: Interests • Activities • Books • Music • Movies • Television • Other • Tags from my interactive biography
- Adaptation
- Animism
- Anthropology
- Apple/Macintosh Computers
- Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
- Attachment Parenting (AP)
- Attachment Theory
- Autopoeisis
- Biology
- Biomimicry
- Bioregionalism
- Business
- Chaos Theory
- Child Development
- Civilization
- Co-opetition
- Coevolution
- Communitarianism
- Community Building
- Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
- Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS)
- Complexity Science
- Cooperation Theory
- Cultural Creatives
- Cultural Evolution
- Daniel Quinn
- Ecological Design — Sim van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan
- Ecological Economics
- Ecology
- Economics
- Education
- Emergence
- Emergent Properties
- Emotional Intelligence (EI)
- Empowerment
- Endosymbiosis
- Ergonomics
- Ethnopediatrics
- Evolution
- Evolutionary Psychology (EP)
- Excellence
- Film
- Flow
- Fractals
- Gaia Theory
- Game Theory
- Gardening
- General Systems Theory
- Genetics
- Hierarchy
- History
- Holons
- Human Ecology
- Human Systems Dynamics (HSD)
- Humanistic Psychology
- Hunter-Gatherers
- Imago Relationship Therapy
- Indigenous Cultures
- Industrial Ecology
- Interdisciplinarity
- Internal Family Systems (IFS)
- Jungian Psychology
- Learning Organizations
- Memes
- Memetics
- Movies
- Multiple Intelligences
- Music
- Musical Theatre
- Mythology
- Natural Parenting
- Natural Step
- Network Science
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Non-Linear Dynamic Systems
- Non-Violent Communication (NVC)
- Organizational Development
- Organizational Learning
- Pantheism
- Paradigm Shifts
- Permaculture
- Personality Types
- Philosophy
- Playwriting
- Political Evolution
- Population Ecology
- Positive Change
- Positive Psychology
- Psychology
- Science
- Screenwriting
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Expression
- Self-Leadership
- Self-Organization
- Self-Organizing Systems
- Self-Parenting
- Self-Similarity
- Self-Sufficiency
- Social Ecology
- Social Evolution
- Socially Responsible Business (SRB)
- Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
- Sociology
- Solution Focus
- Songwriting
- Steady-State Economics
- Strengths Theory
- Sustainability
- Symbiogenesis
- Systems Dynamics (SD)
- Systems Thinking (ST)
- Taoism
- Televison
- Theatre
- Tipping Point
- Tribalism
- Triple Bottom Line
- Unconditional Parenting (UP)
- Universal Darwinism
- Unschooling
- Video
- Voluntary Simplicity
- Win-Win
- “Lost” Scholarship
- Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
- Attachment Parenting (AP)
- Blogging
- Business Consulting
- Composing
- Creativity Coaching
- Custom Instrumentals
- Custom Songs
- Custom Works
- Custom Writing
- Directing
- Dramatic Writing
- Entrepreneurship/Self-Employment
- Gardening
- Health and Fitness
- Lyric Writing
- MarkSMeritt.com
- Music
- Music Workshops
- Musical Arrangements and Production
- Personal Development
- Piano/Keyboard Performance
- Potluck (potluck.com)
- Potluck Creative Arts (potluckcreativearts.com)
- Potluck Creative Arts’ YouTube Channel (youtube.com/potluckcreativearts)
- Reading
- Simply Music
- Singalong Workshops
- Social Networking
- Songwriting
- Songwriting Workshops
- Sophie’s World (sophiaquinnmeritt.com)
- Teaching Piano/Music Lessons
- Unconditional Parenting (UP)
- Website Design
- WordPress
- Writing
- 1984 — George Orwell
- The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture — Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides & John Tooby, Editors
- Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic — John de Graaf, David Wann & Thomas H. Naylor
- After Dachau — Daniel Quinn
- Amelia Bedelia — Peggy Parish, illustrated by Fritz Siebel
- American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A Population History Since 1492 — Russell Thornton
- An Introduction to General Systems Thinking — Gerald M. Weinberg
- Animal Farm — George Orwell
- Anno’s Magic Seeds — Mitsumasa Anno
- The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook — David L. Cooperrider, Diana L. Whitney, and Jacqueline M. Stavros
- Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination — Jane Magruder Watkins and Bernard J. Mohr
- Appreciative Inquiry: Rethinking Human Organization Toward a Theory of Positive Change — David L. Cooperrider, Jr. Sorensen Peter F., Diana Whitney, and Therese F Yaeger, editors
- Arnie, the Doughnut — Laurie Keller
- At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity — Stuart Kauffman
- Atlas Shrugged — Ayn Rand
- Attachment Parenting: Instinctive Care for Your Baby and Young Child — Katie Allison Granju & Betsy Kennedy, R.N., M.S.N.
- Being Is Enough: Collective Self-Help for a Sustainable World — Doug Brown
- Beyond Civilization: Humanity’s Next Great Adventure — Daniel Quinn
- Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development — Herman E. Daly
- Billibonk and the Big Itch — Phil Ramsey
- Billibonk and the Thorn Patch — Phil Ramsey
- Billions & Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death at the Brink of the Millennium — Carl Sagan
- Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature — Janice M. Benyus
- The Birth of a New Physics — Bernard Cohen
- Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking — Malcolm Gladwell
- The Book of the Damned — Daniel Quinn
- Brave New World — Aldous Huxley
- Breakfast of Champions — Kurt Vonnegut
- Brother Eagle, Sister Sky — Chief Seattle, illustrated by Susan Jeffers
- The Butter Battle Book — Dr. Seuss
- Cannibals and Kings: The Origins of Cultures — Marvin Harris
- The Cat in the Hat Comes Back — Dr. Seuss
- Cat’s Cradle — Kurt Vonnegut
- Catch-22 — Joseph Heller
- The Catcher in the Rye — J.D. Salinger
- Chaos: Making a New Science — James Gleick
- A Christmas Carol — Charles Dickens
- Civilization and Its Discontents — Sigmund Freud
- Co-Opetition: A Revolutionary Mindset That Combines Competition and Cooperation: The Game Theory Strategy That’s Changing the Game of Business — Adam M. Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuff
- Coevolution: Genes, Culture, and Human Diversity — William H. Durham
- The Collapse of Ancient States and Civilizations — Norman Yoffee & George L. Cowgill, Editors
- The Collapse of Complex Societies — Joseph A. Tainter
- The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration — Robert Axelrod
- Complexity: The Emerging Science on the Edge of Order and Chaos — M. Mitchell Waldrop
- The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lost — Jean Liedloff
- Cows, Pigs, War and Witches: The Riddles of Culture — Marvin Harris
- Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things — William McDonough & Michael Braungart
- Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- The Crucible — Arthur Miller
- The Culture of Make Believe — Derrick Jensen
- The Culture of Nature: North American Landscape from Disney to the Exxon Valdez — Alexander Wilson
- The Culture of Wilderness: Agriculture as Colonization in the American West — Frieda Knobloch
- Dancing with Mosquitoes: To Liberate the Mind from Humanism: A Way To Green the Mind — Theo Grutter
- Darwinizing Culture: The Status of Memetics As a Science — Robert Aunger, Editor
- The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark — Carl Sagan
- Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change — Victor Papanek
- Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency — Douglas Adams
- Dominion — Niles Eldredge
- Doodle Flute — Daniel Pinkwater
- The Dot — Peter H. Reynolds
- Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit — Al Gore
- Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth — Lester R. Brown
- Ecological Design — Sim van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan
- The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability — Paul Hawken
- The Ecology of Eden: An Inquiry Into the Dream of Paradise and a New Vision of Our Role in Nature — Evan Eisenberg
- The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy — Murray Bookchin
- Ecology: The Link Between the Natural and Social Sciences — Eugene P. Odum
- The Economy of Nature: Rethinking the Connections Between Ecology and Economics — William Ashworth
- Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ — Daniel Goleman
- The Evolution of Cooperation — Robert Axelrod
- Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind — David M. Buss
- The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization — Peter M. Senge, Editor
- The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization — Peter M. Senge
- First Things First: To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy — Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill & Rebecca R. Merrill
- Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions — Edwin A. Abbott
- Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- The Foolish Tortoise — Richard Buckley, illustrated by Eric Carle
- Forbidden Knowledge: From Prometheus to Pornography — Roger Shattuck
- Foucault’s Pendulum — Umberto Eco
- The Fountainhead — Ayn Rand
- Franny and Zooey — J.D. Salinger
- Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin — Stephen Jay Gould
- Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth — James Lovelock
- Galápagos — Kurt Vonnegut
- Galileo — Bertolt Brecht
- Gaviotas: A Village to Reinvent the World — Alan Weisman
- General Systems Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications — Ludwig von Bertalanffy
- Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples — Harville Hendrix
- Getting to the Source: Readings on Sustainable Values — William Ross McCluney
- The Gift of Nothing — Patrick McDonnell
- The Giving Tree — Shel Silverstein
- Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age — Michael H. Shuman
- The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest — Lynne Cherry
- Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind: How Intelligence Increases When You Think Less — Guy Claxton
- The Hero with a Thousand Faces — Joseph Campbell
- The Hidden Connections: Integrating The Biological, Cognitive, And Social Dimensions Of Life Into A Science Of Sustainability — Fritjof Capra
- Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity — John Holland
- Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels With Science — Paul R. Gross & Norman Levitt
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — Douglas Adams
- The Holy — Daniel Quinn
- Horton Hears a Who! — Dr. Seuss
- How Children Fail — John Holt
- How Children Learn — John Holt
- How the Leopard Changed its Spots: The Evolution of Complexity — Brian Goodwin
- Human Ecology: The Story of Our Place in Nature from Prehistory to the Present — Bernard Campbell
- Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect — Paul Ehrlich
- Humanity’s Environmental Future: Making Sense in a Troubled World — William Ross McCluney
- Humankind — Peter Farb
- The Iceman Cometh — Eugene O’Neill
- The Idiot’s Guide to Simple Living — Georgene Lockwood
- If They Give You Lined Paper, Write Sideways — Daniel Quinn
- If You Give a Moose a Muffin — Laura Joffe Numeroff, illustrated by Felicia Bond
- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie — Laura Joffe Numeroff, illustrated by Felicia Bond
- If You Give a Pig a Pancake — Laura Joffe Numeroff, illustrated by Felicia Bond
- Industrial Dynamics — Jay Forrester
- Inherit the Wind — Jerome Lawrence & Robert E. Lee
- Insatiable Is Not Sustainable — Doug Brown
- Internal Family Systems Therapy — Richard C. Schwartz
- Into the Wild — Jon Krakauer
- Introduction to Permaculture — Bill Mollison
- Inventing the Child: Culture, Ideology, and the Story of Childhood — Joseph Zornado
- Ishmael — Daniel Quinn
- It is So! (If You Think So) — Luigi Pirandello
- Karma Cola: Marketing the Mystic East — Gita Mehta
- The King’s Stilts — Dr. Seuss
- The Knight and the Dragon — Tomie dePaola
- A Language Older Than Words — Derrick Jensen
- The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush — Tomie dePaola
- Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong — James W. Loewen
- Life, the Universe and Everything — Douglas Adams
- Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A Reader on Hunter-Gatherer Economics and the Environment — John Gowdy, Editor
- Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life — Albert-László Barabási
- Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos — Garrett Hardin
- The Logic of Failure: Recognizing and Avoiding Error in Complex Situations — Dietrich Dörner
- Lolita — Vladimir Nabokov
- The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul — Douglas Adams
- The Lorax — Dr. Seuss
- Lord of the Flies — William Golding
- The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds — John Bowlby
- Making the World — Douglas Wood, illustrations by Yoshi
- The Man Who Grew Young — Daniel Quinn, illustrated by Tim Eldred
- Man’s Rise to Civilization (As Shown by the Indians of North America from Primeval Times to the Coming of the Industrial State) — Peter Farb
- The Meme Machine — Susan Blackmore
- Metapatterns: Across Space, Time, and Mind — Tyler Volk
- Mid-Course Correction: Towards a Sustainable Enterprise: The INTERFACE Model — Ray C. Anderson
- Millennium: Tribal Wisdom and the Modern World — David Marbury-Lewis
- The Mixed-Up Chameleon — Eric Carle
- Monocultures of the Mind: Perspectives on Biodiversity and Biotechnology — Vandana Shiva
- Mother Night — Kurt Vonnegut
- My Ishmael — Daniel Quinn
- The Name of the Rose — Umberto Eco
- Native Roots: How the Indians Enriched America — Jack Weatherford
- Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution — Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins & L. Hunter Lovins
- Natural Family Living: The Mothering Magazine Guide to Parenting — Peggy O’Mara
- The Natural Step for Business: Wealth, Ecology and the Evolutionary Corporation — Brian Nattrass & Mary Altomare
- The Natural Way of Farming: The Theory and Practice of Green Philosophy — Masanobu Fukuoka
- The Nature of Economies — Jane Jacobs
- Nature’s Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas — Donald Worster
- The New Economics: For Industry, Government, Education — W. Edwards Deming
- The New Renaissance — Daniel Quinn
- Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Create Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your World in Harmony with Your Values — Marshall B. Rosenberg
- Now, Discover Your Strengths — Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton
- The Old Ladies Who Liked Cats — Carol Greene
- Old Turtle — Douglas Wood, illustrations by Cheng-Khee Chee
- Old Turtle and the Broken Truth — Douglas Wood, illustrations by Jon J. Muth
- On the Day You Were Born — Debra Frasier
- Once A Mouse: A Fable Cut in Wood — Marcia Brown
- One Grain of Rice: A Mathematical Folktale — Demi
- The One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming — Masanobu Fukuoka
- The Origin of Species — Charles Darwin
- Our Babies, Ourselves: How Biology and Culture Shape the Way We Parent — Meredith F. Small
- Out of the Crisis — W. Edwards Deming
- People of the Deer — Farley Mowat
- The Permaculture Garden — Graham Bell
- Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual — Bill Mollison
- Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability — David Holmgren
- The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong — Dr. Laurence J. Peter & Raymond Hull
- Pigs for the Ancestors: Ritual in the Ecology of a New Guinea People — Roy A. Rappaport
- Player Piano — Kurt Vonnegut
- The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change — Diana Whitney and Amanda Trosten-Bloom
- The Power of Myth — Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyers
- A Primer of Ecology — Nicholas Gotelli
- The Princess Bride — William Goldman
- Principle-Centered Leadership — Stephen R. Covey
- Principles of Systems — Jay Forrester
- Providence: The Story of a Fifty-Year Vision Quest — Daniel Quinn
- Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves: Transforming Parent-Child Relationships from Reaction and Struggle to Freedom, Power and Joy — Naomi Aldort
- Re-Zoom — Istvan Banyai
- The Restaurant at the End of the Universe — Douglas Adams
- A River Ran Wild: An Environmental History — Lynne Cherry
- The Road To Hell: The Ravaging Effects of Foreign Aid and International Charity — Michael Maren
- The Road to Serfdom — Friedrich A. Hayek
- Scaredy Squirrel — Melanie Watt
- Seeing Green: The Politics of Ecology Explained — Jonathon Porritt
- Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed — James C. Scott
- The Selfish Gene — Richard Dawkins
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Austere Academy — Lemony Snicket
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning — Lemony Snicket
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Carnivorous Carnival — Lemony Snicket
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator — Lemony Snicket
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Hostile Hospital — Lemony Snicket
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Miserable Mill — Lemony Snicket
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Reptile Room — Lemony Snicket
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Slippery Slope — Lemony Snicket
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Vile Village — Lemony Snicket
- A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Wide Window — Lemony Snicket
- Seven Blind Mice — Ed Young
- Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors: A Search for Who We Are — Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan
- Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train: Errant Economists, Shameful Spenders, and a Plan to Stop Them All — Brian Czech
- Silent Spring — Rachel Carson
- Six Characters in Search of an Author — Luigi Pirandello
- The Skin of Our Teeth — Thornton Wilder
- Slapstick: or, Lonesome No More! — Kurt Vonnegut
- Slaughterhouse Five, or the Children’s Crusade — Kurt Vonnegut
- Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered — E.F. Schumacher
- The Sneetches and Other Stories — Dr. Seuss
- So Human an Animal: How We Are Shaped By Surroundings and Events — Rene Dubos
- So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish — Douglas Adams
- The Solitaire Mystery: A Novel about Family and Destiny — Jostein Gaarder
- Sophie’s World: A Novel about the History of Philosophy — Jostein Gaarder
- Starting a Sudbury School: A Summary of the Experiences of Fifteen Start-Up Groups — Daniel Greenberg and Mimsy Sadofsky
- Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology — Gregory Bateson
- Stolen Continents: The Americas Through Indian Eyes Since 1492 — Ronald Wright
- Stone Age Economics — Marshall D. Sahlins
- Stone Soup — Marcia Brown
- The Story of B — Daniel Quinn
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions — Thomas S. Kuhm
- The Sudbury Valley School Experience — Daniel Greenberg
- Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America’s Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion — Edward J. Larson
- A Survey of Ecological Economics — Rajaram Krishnan, Jonathan M. Harris, Neva R. Goodwin, Editors
- Symbiotic Planet: A New Look at Evolution — Lynn Margulis
- The Systems Thinking Playbook: Exercises to Stretch and Build Learning and Systems Thinking Capabilities — Dennis Meadows & Linda Booth Sweeney
- The Tales of Adam — Daniel Quinn
- The Tao of Physics — Fritjof Capra
- The Tao of Pooh — Benjamin Hoff
- Tao Te Ching — Lao Tzu
- The Te of Piglet — Benjamin Hoff
- The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry — Sue Annis Hammond
- Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads Through Society: The New Science of Memes — Aaron Lynch
- Three Native American Learning Stories: Who Speaks for Wolf, Winter White and Summer Gold, Many Circles — Paula Underwood
- The Three-Legged Cat — Margaret Mahy, illustrated by Jonathan Allen
- The Time Before History: 5 Million Years of Human Impact — Colin Tudge
- The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference — Malcolm Gladwell
- Tree of Life: The World of the African Baobab — Barbara Bash
- The Trouble with Testosterone: And Other Essays on the Biology of the Human Predicament — Robert M. Sapolsky
- The Turning Point: Science, Society, and the Rising Culture — Fritjof Capra
- Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason — Alfie Kohn
- The Unschooling Handbook: How to Use the Whole World As Your Child’s Classroom — Mary Griffith
- Voluntary Simplicity: Toward a Way of Life That is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich — Duane Elgin
- Waffle — Chris Raschka
- Walden: Or, Life in the Woods — Henry David Thoreau
- The Water Hole — Graeme Base
- We Have Never Been Modern — Bruno Latour
- We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love — Robert A. Johnson
- The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems — Fritjof Capra
- What Else Could It Be? — Mario Gomboli
- What Happy People Know: How the New Science of Happiness Can Change Your Life for the Better — Dan Brown
- When a Butterfly Sneezes: A Guide for Helping Kids Explore Interconnections in Our World Through Favorite Stories — Linda Booth Sweeney
- Who Do You Think You Are? — Dr. Nick Isbister and Dr. Martin Robinson
- Whose Garden Is It? — Mary Ann Hoberman, illustrated by Jane Dyer
- Why Can’t I Fly? — Rita Golden Gelman, illustrated by Jack Kent
- Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences — Edward Tenner
- Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West — Gregory Maguire
- The Wisdom of the Crows and Other Buddhist Tales — Sherab Chodzin anf Alexandra Kohn, illustrated by Marie Cameron
- Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories — Dr. Seuss
- You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man: How Ponzi Schemes and Pyramid Frauds Work… and Why They’re More Common Than Ever — James Walsh
- Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence — Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin
- Zen and the Art of Making a Living: A Practical Guide to Creative Career Design — Laurence G. Boldt
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values — Robert M. Pirsig
- Zoom — Istvan Banyai
- 10cc
- Lynn Ahrens
- Tori Amos
- Benny Andersson
- Fiona Apple
- Howard Ashman
- Burt Bacharach
- Barenaked Ladies
- The Beach Boys
- The Beatles
- Beck
- The Bee Gees
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Elmer Bernstein
- Leonard Bernstein
- Bjork
- Blur
- David Bowie
- Leslie Bricusse
- Mel Brooks
- Wendy Carlos
- Harry Chapin
- Chicago
- Eric Clapton
- Alf Clausen
- Joe Cocker
- Coldplay
- Phil Collins
- Harry Connick, Jr.
- Elvis Costello
- Sheryl Crow
- Jamie Cullum
- Neil Diamond
- Donovan
- Bob Dorough
- The Dream Academy
- Duran Duran
- Electric Light Orchestra
- Eurhythmics
- William Finn
- Flaming Lips
- Ben Folds Five
- Ben Folds
- Franz Ferdinand
- Peter Gabriel
- Garbage
- Genesis
- George Gershwin
- Gnarls Barkley
- Godlely and Creme
- Jerry Goldsmith
- Hall and Oates
- Marvin Hamlisch
- George Harrison
- Indigo Girls
- Jethro Tull
- Billy Joel
- Elton John
- Tom Jones
- Scott Joplin
- The Killers
- The Kinks
- Lenny Kravitz
- k.d. lang
- Led Zeppelin
- John Legend
- John Lennon
- Annie Lennox
- Andrew Lloyd Webber
- Jeff Lynne
- Henry Mancini
- Aimee Mann
- George Martin
- Paul McCartney
- Nellie McKay
- Alan Menken
- George Michael
- Glenn Miller
- Monty Python
- Alanis Morissette
- Morphine
- Alison Moyet
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- N.E.R.D.
- Anthony Newley
- Randy Newman
- Harry Nilsson
- Michael Nyman
- Oasis
- Outkast
- Trey Parker
- Pearl Jam
- Michael Penn
- Pet Shop Boys
- Pink Floyd
- The Police
- Cole Porter
- Queen
- Radiohead
- The Rembrandts
- Tim Rice
- Lionel Richie
- Linda Ronstadt
- Seal
- Marc Shaiman
- Richard B. Sherman
- Robert M. Sherman
- Simon and Garfunkel
- Paul Simon
- Jill Sobule
- Stephen Sondheim
- Squeeze
- Carl Stalling
- Ringo Starr
- Steely Dan
- Jim Steinman
- Sufjan Stevens
- Sting
- Johann Strauss
- Jule Styne
- Supertramp
- Matthew Sweet
- Talking Heads
- Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
- Tears for Fears
- They Might Be Giants
- Pete Townshend
- Travis
- True Margrit
- U2
- Bjorn Ulvaeus
- Suzanne Vega
- Rufus Wainwright
- Jimmy Webb
- The Who
- John Williams
- Brian Wilson
- Wings
- Stevie Wonder
- The Wondermints
- 12 Monkeys
- 9 to 5
- A.I. – Artificial Intelligence — Written by Steven Spielberg; Screen Story by Ian Watson; Based on the short story Super-Toys Last All Summer Long by Brian Aldiss; Directed by Steven Spielberg
- Adaptation
- The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
- Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic — John de Graaf, David Wann & Thomas H. Naylor
- Airplane!
- Apocalypto — Written by Mel Gibson & Farhad Safinia; Directed by Mel Gibson
- The Aristocrats
- Austin Power: International Man of Mystery
- Austin Powers in Goldmember
- Awakenings
- Babe — Written by George Miller and Chris Noonan; Based on the Novel The Sheep Pig by Dick King-Smith; Directed by Chris Noonan
- Back to the Future
- Back to the Future II
- Beauty and the Beast
- Being John Malkovich
- Best in Show
- Big
- Billy Elliot — Written by Lee Hall; Directed by Stephen Daldry
- The Blues Brothers
- Boogie Nights
- Borat: Cultural Learnings of American for Make Benefit Glorious Nation Kazakhstan
- Bowfinger
- Bowling for Columbine
- A Bug’s Life
- Capturing the Friedmans
- Cast Away — Written by William Broyles, Jr.; Directed by Robert Zemeckis
- Chicken Run
- A Christmas Carol — Charles Dickens
- Citizen Kane — Written by Herman J. Mankiewicz & Orson Welles; Directed by Orson Welles
- Citizen Ruth — Written by Alexander Payne & Jim Taylor; Directed by Alexander Payne
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- Comedian
- Contact
- The Corporation — Written by Joel Bakan; Directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott
- Crash
- Dances with Wolves — Written by Michael Blake, based on his novel; Directed by Kevin Costner
- Die Hard
- Dr. Strangelove (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) — Written by Stanley Kubrick, Terry Southern & Peter George; Based on the novel Red Alert by Peter George; Directed by Stanley Kubrick
- E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex…
- Excalibur
- Fahrenheit 9/11
- Falling Down — Written by Ebbe Roe Smith; Directed by Joel Schumacher
- Fantasia
- Fantasia 2000
- Fight Club — Written by Jim Uhls; Based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk; Directed by David Fincher
- Finding Nemo
- Fly Away Home — Written by Robert Rodat & Vince McKewin; Based on the autobiography by Bill Lishman; Directed by Carroll Ballard
- Forrest Gump
- The Full Monty
- Galaxy Quest
- The Game
- Gattaca
- Ghostbusters
- The Gods Must Be Crazy — Written and Directed by Jamie Uys
- Good Fellas
- Grizzly Man — Written and Directed by Werner Herzog
- A Hard Day’s Night
- Harold and Maude
- Help!
- Hero
- Hot Shots!
- House of Games
- I Love You to Death
- The Ice Storm — Written by James Schamus; Based on the novel by Rick Moody: Directed by Ang Lee
- The Illusionist
- Imagine: John Lennon
- An Inconvenient Truth — Directed by Davis Guggenheim
- The Incredibles — Written and Directed by Brad Bird
- Independence Day — Written by Dean Devlin & Roland Emmerich; Directed by Roland Emmerich
- The Indian in the Cupboard — Written by Melissa Mathison; Based on the novel by Lynne Reid Banks; Directed by Frank Oz
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
- Inherit the Wind — Jerome Lawrence & Robert E. Lee
- It’s a Wonderful Life — Written by Frances Goodrich & Albert Hackett and Frank Capra; Based on the short story The Greatest Gift by Philip Van Doren Stern; Directed by Frank Capra
- Jaws
- The Jerk
- Jerry Maguire
- JFK — Written by Oliver Stone & Zachary Sklar; Based on the books Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy by Jim Marrs and On the Trail of the Assasins by Jim Garrison; Directed by Oliver Stone
- The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters — Directed by Seth Gordon
- Kinsey
- Lars and the Real Girl — Written by Nancy Oliver; Directed by Craig Gillespie
- The Last Supper — Written by Dan Rosen; Directed by Stacy Title
- Life is Beautiful
- Lord of the Flies — William Golding
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
- The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
- Magnolia
- The Man Who Knew Too Much
- The Manchurian Candidate
- Mary Poppins — Written by Bill Walsh and Don DaGradi; Based on the novels by P.L. Travers; Directed by Robert Stevenson
- The Matrix — Written and Directed by Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski
- Memento
- Microcosmos
- Mindwalk — Written by Fritjof Capra & Floyd Byars; Story by Bernt Capra; Directed by Bernt Capra
- Monsters, Inc. — Written by Andrew Stanton & Dan Gerson; Directed by Pete Docter
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Monty Python’s Life of Brian
- Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life
- Mr. Holland’s Opus — Written by Patrick Sheane Duncan; Directed by Stephen Herek
- Murderball — Directed by Henry Alex Rubin and Dana Adam Shapiro
- The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!
- North by Northwest
- Once Were Warriors — Written by Riwia Brown; Based on the novel by Alan Duff; Directed by Lee Tamahori
- The People vs. Larry Flynt
- The Planet of the Apes
- Pleasantville — Written and Directed by Gary Ross
- Poltergeist
- The Presitge
- The Princess Bride — William Goldman
- The Producers
- Psycho
- Pulp Fiction
- The Queen
- Quills
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Rear Window
- Rocky — Written by Sylvester Stallone; Directed by John G. Avildsen
- The Rutles: All You Need is Cash
- School of Rock — Written by Mike White; Directed by Richard Linklater
- Seven
- The Sixth Sense
- South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
- The Spanish Prisoner
- Spellbound
- Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
- Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
- Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
- Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
- The Sting
- Strictly Ballroom — Written by Baz Luhrmann, Craig Pearce and Andrew Bovell; Based on the play by Baz Luhrmann and Craig Pearce; Directed by Baz Luhrmann
- The Stunt Man
- Sunday in the Park with George
- Super Size Me
- Sweeney Todd
- Team America: World Police
- The Terminal
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- The Terminator
- This is Spinal Tap
- Three Kings
- Time After Time
- Time Bandits
- Titanic — Written and Directed by James Cameron
- Top Secret
- Toy Story
- Toy Story 2
- Tron
- The Truman Show — Written by Andrew Niccol; Directed by Peter Weir
- Twice Upon a Time
- Unbreakable — Written and Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
- The Usual Suspects
- V for Vendetta — Written by The Wachowski Brothers; Based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore, illustrated by David Lloyd; Directed by James McTiegue
- Wag the Dog
- Waiting for Guffman
- Wall-E
- WarGames
- The Way Things Go — Written and Directed by Peter Fischli and David Weiss
- Wayne’s World
- West Side Story
- When Harry Met Sally…
- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
- Winged Migration
- The Wizard of Oz
- Wordplay
- Young Frankenstein
- Zelig
- Zoolander
- 30 Days
- 30 Rock
- Andy Richter Controls the Universe
- The Animaniacs
- Arrested Development
- Beavis and Butthead
- Boston Legal
- The Brak Show
- Cartoon Planet
- Cheers
- The Colbert Report
- The Critic
- Curb Your Enthusiasm
- Da Ali G Show
- The Daily Show
- Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist
- Emeril Live
- The Ernie Kovacs Show
- Frasier
- Friends
- Futurama
- Good Eats
- House
- Iron Chef
- It’s Garry Shandling’s Show
- The Kids in the Hall
- King of the Hill
- The Larry Sanders Show
- Late Night with Conan O’Brien
- The Late Show with David Letterman
- Looney Tunes
- Lost
- Mad About You
- Malcolm in the Middle
- Monty Python’s Flying Circus
- Moral Orel
- Mr. Show
- My Name is Earl
- Northern Exposure
- The Office (BBC)
- The Office (NBC)
- Pinky and the Brain
- Police Squad!
- Reno 911
- Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In
- Schoolhouse Rock
- Sealab 2021
- Seinfeld
- The Simpsons
- South Park
- Space Ghost: Coast to Coast
- Sports Night
- The Tick (Animated)
- Tiny Toon Adventures
- The Tracey Ullman Show
- TV Funhouse
- TV Nation
- Viva Variety
- The West Wing
- The X-Files
Some Other People and Things I Like
- Woody Allen
- Paul Thomas Anderson
- Dan Aykroyd
- Alton Brown
- Lenny Bruce
- Giordana Bruno
- James Burke
- George Carlin
- Chuck Close
- Sacha Baron Cohen
- Stephen Colbert
- Leonard Da Vinci
- Larry David
- Walt Disney
- M.C. Escher
- Jodie Foster
- R. Buckminster Fuller
- Galileo Galilei
- Matt Groening
- Bill Hicks
- Harry Houdini
- Howard Hughes
- Chuck Jones
- Mike Judge
- Charlie Kauffman
- Ernie Kovacs
- John Lasseter
- David Letterman
- George Lucas
- Bill Maher
- Demetri Martin
- Steve Martin
- Freddy Mercury
- Michael Moore
- Michael Moshen
- Penn & Teller
- Jerry Seinfeld
- Garry Shandling
- Aaron Sorkin
- Steve Jobs
- Jon Stewart
- Matt Stone
- Mark Twain
- Tracey Ullman
- Robin Williams
- The Yes Men
- Bloom County — Berkeley Breathed
- Calvin and Hobbes — Bill Watterson
- Dilbert — Scott Adams
- The Far Side — Gary Larson